This area of our website is particularly for our Young Women. There us some useful information and links to other services, as well as a gallery and details of your own work.

If there is anything you would like to see in this area, or to contribute your own work or information, just email it to is, or speak to the staff.

Changes to Support (COVID-19)

To all Young Women in the SAY Community:

SAY Women is continually committed to the well-being of our Young Women and our staff and are in regular discussion about maximising everyone’s safety, minimising risk in relation to the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and taking positive action. We recognise that isolation can have a major impact on individuals’ well-being and emotional health, especially for survivors of abuse. However, we are hopeful that all service users, as part of the collective SAY Community, will work with staff to find suitable alternatives to direct face-to-face attendance to ensure their continued support.  

As of 17th March 2020, SAY Women is temporarily adapting service provision

SAY Women’s group activities have already been temporarily postponed. We are looking at other ways of having connected group discussions by linking everyone together via apps like Zoom. We will update you on how this progresses.

  • 1:1 Support is now only to be offered via Zoom, What’s App, other video links or by telephone contact if Young Women have no online access.

  • 1:1s will mainly focus on establishing and maintaining safety and safe connections with limited time focusing on Mourning and Remembering work during this reduced service period.

  • Funded national helplines such as Rape Crisis helplines are still operating as normal. A list of crisis support helplines are also available on the Useful Links page. We can send copies of these alternatives by post to anyone who has no online access. Please ask anyone you know who needs this list to contact us.

  • 1:1 Volunteering Supports will also take the same format as emotional 1:1s during this period.

We have no guarantee how long these new safety strategies will be in place, however we can assure everyone in the SAY Community that we will continue to review this regularly to ensure we offer the best level of support we can within the appropriate safety parameters and regulatory guidance. 

Please let staff know if you have any difficulty accessing the internet or if you have no smart phone. We will keep you informed with any changes. Please contact the office on 0141 552 5803 if you have any further questions and make sure you keep us up to date with your current contact details and how you would like us to contact you.



Art and Storytelling Group - Mini Exhibition

Thanks again to Nicola Dickson, artist & researcher with Glasgow University, and Lauren from the Village Storytelling Centre for working with us to facilitate our Art and Storytelling Group this year. The aim of the group was to connect the young women through art and storytelling using the theme of Transformation

Lauren told us positive, empowering and uplifting stories on transformation. This encouraged the young women to start making their own stories on transformation. 

Nic showed us how to use recyclable materials to make our very own sculptures. This was initially inspired by the Easter Island heads. We used milk bottles and toilet roll inserts to make our own versions. 

We also took inspiration from the many animals that made an appearance in our stories, so we made birds, squirrels, frogs, and a cow. 

For our final session on 27th April 2021, we all met together at Glasgow Green to make a mini exhibition of our work. Despite the bad weather, the young women had fun and connected with each other over their creativity. 

Here are the results:

A Poem by one of our Young Women:


by Allayis SilverMane

Here on my arm lies a mark that I made.
When I was so low, I cut with a blade
To punish my body for being a mess,
Though here is my testament, I must confess...
That seeing these scars left on my arms, legs, and chest
Makes me realize I was in a place of no rest;
I feel guilty inside for leaving this token.
Now I will see and remember that I was so broken.
But seeing these scars helps me see
That I survived so much trauma and now I am free.
So I ask you now to stand with me and fight,
To show all these demons what they're doing is not right.
You won the battle of good versus bad.
You are still alive and are no longer sad.
Here on my arm lies a mark of survival.
I got through my hate and beat my self-rival

Trees image hope.jpg

Artwork Exhibition at Glasgow Women’s Library

We’re so excited that the Glasgow Women’s Library is holding an exhibition of the artwork created by our Young Women, under the expert guidance of artist facilitator Nicola Dickson.

We went along to the launch on Tuesday 4th February and it looks amazing! We are incredibly impressed with the talent and creativity on show and proud of what our Young Women have achieved. A huge thanks to Nicola for all her work, we really appreciate all she has done.

The exhibition runs from 7th February to 28th March. Please go along to see it if you can. More information on the exhibition can be found here:

Exhibition of Artwork from the Story Telling Group: 

On Wednesday July 10th we had an incredible exhibition of the art work from our Story Telling Group at SAY women. Delivered by The Village Story Telling Centre young women took part in a 10 week group which incorporated games, story telling and art work. Artist facilitator Nicola Dickson helped the women work on print work based on the stories we heard about goddesses. The exhibition was a fantastic day and highlighted the wonderful art work produced by the young women. Thank you to all who took part in the group. 

Future Pathways

A Scottish Government Fund aimed at supporting survivors who have experienced abuse whilst in institutional care, including long term hospital stay. Financial support can be given to access services that can help with:

  • Work and education

  • Housing and benefit advice

  • Community Activities

  • Counselling

  • Psychological Trauma support

  • Access to records

​For more information telephone 0808 164 2005 or speak to your worker who will be happy to help you access the fund.